Future goals

Future goals

Use stimulus code generator

Next major goal is to use stimulus to replace most of the source code under the mex directory. Use rigraph as a guide.

Make plotting more flexible

Ideally there would be a way to alter how edges are displayed (i.e. different colors/transparencies) and a better why to modify other elements. The ggraph package for R does this well.

  • Should have more useful options (edge width, edge color, node labels, …)
  • Should be able to use either scalar (all items treated the same) or attributes / vectors (different value for each item) for all applicable options.
  • Need a way to handle multiple edges between two nodes.

Handle variable outputs

Some igraph functions have optional outputs (i.e. igraph_grg_game which can return x and y vectors in addition to the graph). At the moment these optional outputs have been ignored.

Using Matlab's varargout and the C interfaces nlhs, it should be possible to add in different outputs.

Handle bipartite graphs

In bipartite the source and destination are different node sets so the adjacency matrix should not be square. Remove requirement that adjs be square and add a isbipartite method to guess, that just compares number rows to number columns. Can add isbipartite to some functions.

The other option is to just keep track a mask that determines which node type each node is in.

Reference section

Need to add reference sections to the docs for both the toolbox and mxIgraph. For mxIgraph, public functions should be given doxygen style comments. The toolbox will likely be documented with livescripts that are either exported or published.

External documentation section

Should have a section to describe how to use this toolbox to write extension toolboxes.